About Dighir Mangrove Plantation

A project to plant 12000 mangrove saplings at Sundarbans

12000 siblings of Mangrove have been planted along 2 K.M. long stretch on Kalindi River bed near Samsernagar, Sundarbans,to protect the river embankment, coastal areas from onslaught of cyclones and tidal surges.

State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Kolkata, financed this Mangrove Plantation project as a part of their CSR activities.

Our secretary was invited by SBI, HO, to brief about our Mangrove Plantation project to the members of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). All FICCI members and SBI officials highly appreciated our initiative.

This project has now become a model project and motivated other organizations to take initiative of mangrove plantation in Sundarbans.

Dighir Mangrove Plantation Gallery

Dighir Ganguly Foundation Trust is a registered public charitable trust and carries out various charitable programs on education and health care services for the poor people of Sundarbans.